Friday 29 April 2011

Happy Friday for everyone...
How are you guys??
I'm fine today..
Tdi nk jumpa kaunselor tpi malas laa plak..
Ustazah kate pi arr jumpe kaunselor, jgn malu2..
Tpi i mlas lah ustazah sayang..
Today i dpat poster sasuke yg dilukis oleh Farah Hanisah...
Some details about Farah Hanisah...
She like to melukis mcam2 gmbar kartun, orang nyer kecik2 jer..
She doesn't like pink colour n x suke orang kacau time she tgh do the homework...
Muke sasuke dlam poster tu mmg btol2 cam uchiha sasuke yg sebenar..
So, only this i want to update for skang.. x de idea
Kalo ade, nnti i update blik.
Bye ..